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The combination of artificial intelligence and robot technology makes the palletizing robot more eff

Column: Market outlook Author: Time:2022-09-23

The whole process is automatic stacking without manual operation. In addition, the number of stacking layers is very large, which can be stacked as required, and the stacking is tight and firm. Forklifts can easily move the warehouse without special manpower. What are the advantages of palletizing robot over manual?

1. Cost saving:

The automatic palletizing robot has a fast palletizing speed, but ordinary workers have a slow palletizing speed. If the factory operates 24 hours a day, one stacker can reach more than 10 workers.

2. Better management:

Robots are used to replace employees, eliminating the problems of manual recruitment, salary payment, welfare insurance, etc. The management of palletizing robot only requires technicians to operate and maintain, which will reduce the company's human resources and management difficulties.

3. Good stacking effect:

The automatic stacking robot has high stacking accuracy and neat stacking shape. From the perspective of stacking height, the stacking robot can easily reach a higher stacking height by extending the arm length.

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