Automated palletizing is worthwhile

Use Wangjing Technology to fill vacancies on the packaging line and release cash flow!

Try to hire workers?

The positions at the end of the production line are the most difficult to fill and retain. They also have costs:

  • Hourly rate ($13 - $20 per hour)
  • Benefits and bonuses
  • Health Insurance and Workers' Compensation
  • Unreliable, high turnover

This is only for one position, on one line.

pays to palletize graphic
PalletizeWJ robotic palletizer

Investment robot palletizing

Wangjing Technology solves the labor problem permanently by automating boring and ergonomic tasks

Labor cost

Lineman $40,000 annually ($160 per day, $800 per week)
Health care ++ $14,800 annually
Annual fee $54,800 Each system (Based on 8-hour workdays)


Wangjing Technology PalletizeWJ $139,850 Each system (standard unit)
Health care + + $0 annually
investment $139,850 Each system (Three shifts a day - no overtime!)

Increase future cash flow

Once the return on investment is reached, PalletizeWJ will pay you by eliminating labor costs and provide continuous cash flow for future investments.

After ROIFree cash flow of more than $54800 per year!

robotic palletizer roi


One shift per day: 2.6 years

2 shifts per day: 1.3 years

Three shifts a day: October!