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Intelligent sorting robot improves work efficiency

Column: Market outlook Author: Time:2022-09-20

With the continuous implementation of industrial intelligence, logistics enterprises are also moving towards intelligence. Unmanned transportation and intelligent sorting have long been used in the transportation industry. The birth of sorting robot has greatly improved various work efficiency, saved labor costs, and will also play an important role in the completion of intelligent logistics.

Driven by intelligent manufacturing system, touch display device application stores are not only more common, but also more and more manufacturing enterprises have higher requirements for intelligent operation and transformation. In addition, the state's assistance in introducing the new policy of intelligent manufacturing system has also brought considerable economic benefits to touch display devices. The commonly used touch display devices in industry mainly include industrial (Android) all-in-one machine (also known as industrial tablet), industrial all-in-one machine, industrial display, industrial control computer, etc. Industrial touch display:



1. The industrial touch display has a long service life and is widely used in various industrial fields. In order to ensure the normal operation of industrial displays, the production materials of industrial LCD displays will be unique, sustainable and usable compared with general displays. Therefore, industrial LCD displays in industrial applications will be more durable and have a long service life than general displays;

2. It can be well integrated into different industrial natural environments. According to the full comparison with ordinary inch display screen, the relativity of industrial touch display screen from function analysis to appearance design and function test is careful. Because industrial LCD screen is used in different types of industrial manufacturing or industrial production process, industrial touch screen with excellent materials can be well integrated into various working environments to better ensure work efficiency.

3. The operation is relatively stable because all work scenarios in each industrial field use industrial touch screens, which are very different from ordinary touch screens. It is precisely because of the unique compatible design scheme and method of industrial inch display that the industrial touch screen operates more stably under the premise of integrating into various working natural environments.

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